Jun 20, 2024

Uncomfortable comfort

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learnt. Entering the world where you have to make a name for yourself, attract your own income and make a living on your own is frightening. Even more so when you have other responsibilities. Bills. It can be tough. You’d be lying to yourself if you thought it wasn’t. Stability is safe. Stability is warm. But stability can also be a cage that doesn’t allow you to stand strong. Being able to ride the ups and downs is a skill that will bring you peace amongst the mayhem.

Entrepreneurship is full of pivots. Changes. 180s. Full circles. The path is everything but straight. And you have to be okay with it. Money doesn’t always flow. So you have to savour it when it arrives. Work isn’t always available. So you have to constantly go out and find it. Confidence will be lacking. So you have to trust yourself and your ability. You need to have the answers to everything that comes your way. The job role requires you to be comfortable when the cards are stacked against you. Because, trust me, they will be. 

However, on the other side of the hard yards, there is a fulfilled life of freedom, contentment and adventure. It’s hard to go back once you start. Your loved ones will notice the change first. A few messages from my mum saying, “I’m proud of you” are nice to see. But once you get that second to yourself, to reflect, you’ll laugh at the person you once was. And that’s why I would jump in this chaos twenty times over if I had the choice.